Wonder Doesn't Have To Fade

Sometimes our appreciations for life's experiences diminish as the same ones become familiar. Though we may vow to never take something for granted in the beginning, our responses to the same can dull over time, leading us to search for new things to try to recapture that sense of excitement of the first time. In this sermon Fr. Garrett reclaims the awe and wonder at the Jesus' surprise appearance to his friends following his execution (Luke 24:36-48). This is a natural feeling for those who hear the Easter story for the first time. But that same inspiration can and must be recovered by those who have heard the story many times over the years. What God has done among and for humanity is no less inspirational and motivational for being 2,000 years in our past. New life is and new hope is available to us always, in every stage and at every age of our own lives.