Seeking Complexity

The times we're living in require an ability to navigate complexity. Those who gravitate toward reductionist positions that denigrate and dismiss all other points of view segregate themselves into narrow silos of the like-minded caught in an infinite loop of animosity toward outsiders.  When we habituate ourselves, however, to seeking out what other people care about and caring about those other people even when - especially when - their values and actions clash with our own, we experience nearly limitless opportunities for compassionate and grace filled human relationships. In this sermon Fr. Garrett explains why Jesus refuses to be boxed into a reductionist trap (Matthew 22:15-22), instead offering his audience the opportunity to think more deeply about where their true loyalties lie. Fr. Garrett connects this illuminating Biblical wisdom with the divisive pressure, at the time, to align absolutely with either the people of Israel or the Palestinian people in war. Jesus' admonition to love our neighbors as ourselves (which follows just a few verses later) rejects all such exclusive dichotomies.